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General Disclaimer

  1. Application

1.1. By surfing on this website, available at (hereinafter referred to as the/this “website”), reading documents, downloading files, consulting it, ordering products and/or using it any other way whatsoever, you confirm that you have read and understood these conditions in their entirety, that you agree with these conditions and that you undertake to comply therewith. Said conditions are the only conditions that are applicable, all other conditions being expressly excluded.

  1. Bigli

2.1. This website is run by and is the sole property of the Belgian company Bigli b.v., whose registered offices are established in Belgium. (hereinafter referred to as : “Bigli”). 

  1. Access

3.1. This website can be consulted by recent computers on which the usual software has been installed (browser, operating system, etc.). Bigli doesn’t guarantee any compatibility and can never be held responsible in case you can’t, for any reason whatsoever, use and/or consult (part of) this website.

3.2. This website is put online for informative purposes only. You only have the right to consult this website and its contents on a personal basis. Any and all commercial use thereof is expressly excluded.

3.3. It is strictly forbidden to (try to) access, in any way whatsoever and through any and all technical means whatsoever, parts of this website which haven’t been put publicly online. It is also strictly forbidden to change and/or adapt this website and/or to add or remove elements therefrom, in any way whatsoever and through any and all technical means whatsoever.

3.4. You will refrain from any and all acts, through whatever technical means, which could hinder the functioning of this website in any way whatsoever.  

  1. Intellectual property rights

4.1. You admit and accept that the concept as well as any and all contents, lay-out, structure, source codes, software, images, pictures, animations, audiovisual works, texts, data, music, information, messages and any and all other parts of this website are and remain Bigli’s exclusive property and are protected by different intellectual property rights (a/o copyright, trademarks, the sui generis right of the producer of a database, etc.). By surfing on this site you acquire no right whatsoever therein.

4.2. The (partial) reproduction, communication, dissemination, sale, distribution, publication, adaptation and/or use, in any way whatsoever, of this website and/or its contents is strictly forbidden. Storing any and all information and/or part of this website in an (electronic) database or otherwise is forbidden, except for the automatic ‘caching’ of said information by your browser.

4.3. When you, as a user and/or visitor, place messages or information on this website, in whatever form, or send them by email, Bigli reserves the right to use such messages and/or information freely. You acknowledge that you, as the sender, are solely responsible for the content and security of such messages and/or information. They may be processed non-confidentially by Bigli without acknowledgment of any copyright in respect of the sender of such messages and/or information. 

  1. Responsibility

5.1. In general. You always consult and use this website, in any way whatsoever and through any technical means whatsoever, under your own responsibility. Bigli can, in general, never be held responsible for any and all damage, of whatever nature (direct, indirect, sequential, etc.), loss of profit, loss of data, loss of an opportunity or for any other kind of damage whatsoever due to Bigli’s negligence in the creation, exploitation and/or accessibility of this site (including any and all parts thereof), even if Bigli had been warned of the existence of certain problems and/or the potential damage to be suffered by users and/or third parties. The same goes for any and all companies that are linked with Bigli and their respective personnel members, managers, representatives, etc.

5.2. Accessibility. Bigli invests its best means to make sure that this website is accessible at any given time for a normal amount of users. Bigli is however entitled at any given time to suspend and/or terminate (any part of) this website, even without advance warning. Bigli cannot be held responsible in case of loss and/or damage, of any nature whatsoever, that would result from the suspension, interruptions, (technical) disruptions, delays, inaccessibility and/or termination of (any part of) this website.

5.3. Data. Bigli invests its best means to ensure that the data and documents contained on this website are complete, accurate and up to date. Errors and/or incomplete and/or outdated data can however never be excluded and Bigli cannot provide any guarantees in that respect. Bigli consequently cannot be held responsible in case of damage and/or loss, of any nature whatsoever, that would result from the use, consulting and/or downloading of any part of this website. Bigli can also not be held responsible for any damage, of whatever nature, resulting from decisions you would take based on any data and/or information on this website.

5.4. Links. If this website contains links to other sites, said sites are not under Bigli’s control and are consequently not necessarily recommended nor approved by Bigli. Bigli will also not verify whether the contents of said sites change. It is consequently up to you to verify whether it’s appropriate for you to visit said sites. Bigli cannot be held responsible for the contents nor the proper functioning of external sites this website refers to nor for the prejudicial consequences resulting from consulting and/or using, in any way whatsoever, said sites.

5.5. Virus. Although Bigli invests its best means in keeping this website free from bugs, viruses, Trojan horses and spyware, their presence cannot be excluded. Bigli cannot be held responsible for any and all damage and/or loss resulting therefrom. Bigli strongly recommends you to install the required firewall, anti-virus and other protective software in order to prevent potential damage to your computer. Should you discover any of said elements on this website we invite you to inform the webmaster thereof as to allow the latter to take the necessary measures.

5.6. Data traffic. If you send certain data, like e-mails, personal data, credit card information, etc. you always do so at your own risk. Bigli invests its best means to make sure that the transmission of said data takes place in a secured environment, but can however never be held responsible for any damage and/or loss resulting from the loss of certain data and/or the interception thereof by a third party. Bigli strongly recommends that you install the necessary software in that respect and you always act carefully when handling and communicating your personal data.

  1. Cookies

6.1. This website uses so-called ‘cookies’, i.e. small data files that are stored automatically on your computer’s hard disk when you visit a site and which contain a unique identification number.

6.2. In order to consult Bigli’s cookie policy, please click . 

  1. Privacy

7.1. In case Bigli collects and/or treats personal data, Bigli’s personal data policy will apply. You can find it . 

  1. Various

8.1. Hyperlinks. Hyperlinking and/or deeplinking to this website always requires Bigli’s prior authorisation. In any case, even after you have received said authorisation, any and all links will always have to refer to the homepage of this website.

8.2. Spam. Bigli doesn’t send spam. Any and all e-mails are/or newsletters you receive from Bigli are sent upon your request. Should you receive unwanted e-mails nonetheless, you can signal it , further upon which we will take the necessary measures to ensure you don’t receive any e-mails from us anymore. 

  1. Final clauses

9.1. Severability. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this disclaimer shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision, which shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated.  In case any provision of this disclaimer is declared void, Bigli will replace it by another provision, which achieves to the maximum extent permitted by law the original purpose of the invalid provision.

9.2. Dispute resolution. Any and all disputes arising from consulting and/or using this website shall be treated solely by the courts of the judicial district in which the registered office of Bigli is located.

9.3. Applicable law. Only the Belgian legislation is applicable.

9.4. Disclaimer. This disclaimer can be adapted, even without advance warning, o/a in case of legal evolutions. You are hereby invited to check this disclaimer frequently to see if any and, if so, which modifications have been applied thereto. Bigli will invest its best means to attract your attention to the new version of this disclaimer. Nevertheless any and all modifications enter into effect as soon as they are published on this website.

9.5. Questions. For any and all questions related to this disclaimer you can always send an e-mail to or write to Bigli, c/o the direction, Belgium.

This version has entered into effect on December 12th 2022. © 2022 Bigli. All rights expressly reserved.